Columbia Local School District Board of Education policies IGDF and IGDG govern fundraising activities within the district.
The following criteria must be met for all fundraising activities:
- A Fundraising Request Form must be submitted and approved two (2) weeks prior to fundraiser.
- The Fundraising Request Form must be approved and have all signatures by all necessary parties before fundraiser begins.
- Once the fundraiser is approved, the person requesting the fundraiser must enter a requisition in the system for all expenses that are to be incurred.
- The fundraiser name and dates will be placed on a calendar under the “Our District” tab of the district website. Fundraiser forms and guidelines can be found there as well.
- A fundraiser number will be issued by the Treasurer’s office once approved. This number is to be recorded on all requisitions, receipts and invoices.
- Fundraisers are not mandatory.
- Only CLSD receipt books may be used to capture a transaction.
- A receipt must be issued to an individual for every transaction and any money/checks collected.
- All funds acquired through a fundraiser must be deposited with the district within 24 hours of collection. Do not wait to turn in your money/checks at the end of the fundraiser.
- Monies collected cannot be used for expenses. This includes prizes, awards or incentives. Expenses must be taken care of through a requisition.
- All fundraisers must be in compliance with state law. By law, gambling is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to 50/50 drawings, raffles, lottery games and games of chance.
- Once a fundraiser is completed, paperwork must be finalized within ten (10) working days. The fundraising form is to be turned in and completed to the Treasurer’s office.
- Fundraisers are not to last for a full year.
- Each fundraiser must have a form on file and be closed out each time it is completed.