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Rural Urban Record August 26, 2024
Each year, CLSD provides our school community with a District Profile.  This profile is a snapshot of what took place during the 23/24 school year.  It includes:   financials, accomplishments, building information, arts and athletic accomplishments, plus a whole lot more.  If you are interested in what we do, all of the information is here for your viewing.  It is available on our website.  Click on “Our District” and then on the left side click District Profile.    
As the school years begins, I ask that our community pays special attention to our buses.   Please do not tailgate, make sure that you are stopping for the reds on all roads and be aware of our students at all times.  Some of our buses are now equipped with cameras, where it records all vehicles that drive past our stopped buses.  If you decide to put our students or drivers in danger or at risk, we will involve the Lorain County Sheriff’s Department.  We appreciate your attention to this important matter.

Congratulations to those individuals that received CLSD’s Employee of the Year for 2023-2024:   Emily Figliano, Kathy Hechko, Amanda Bailey, Swati Baviskar, and Samantha Dzielski.  Thank you for always going above and beyond for our students.   Well deserved!    
CLSD is in need of a long-term substitute bus driver.  This may be a full year position.  If you are interested, please contact Al Cantrell, Transportation Supervisor, at (440) 236-8222.

On November 5th, CLSD will have a 2-mill RENEWAL PI levy and a 4.88 Bond Issue on the ballot.  To provide you with as much information as possible, I will highlight a different aspect of the bond issue in my articles, until the election. 

Our district is growing and we are providing services to our students today, that were not required 10 years ago.  This includes:  Little Raiders Preschool, the hiring of several more SPED staff, educational aides, early literacy intervention teachers, Title I teachers, STEAM teachers and student support services.  We have staff sharing classrooms and are utilizing every available space in our schools.  We anticipate hiring additional staff for our growing population for the 25-26 school year and we are out of classrooms.  As of 8/20/24, our enrollment stands at 1,052 students from preschool through 12th grade compared to 887 students in 2020.  This is an increase of 165 students in the last 5 years or an average of 33 more students per year.  When the Copopa addition was built in 2012, it was constructed for three teachers per grade level and utilizing space in the current middle school to save costs on the project.  With our growing population, we now require four teachers in every grade except 1st and 4th.  We are also out of space in the middle school for additional classes.  Passage of this bond issue will allow us to provide the necessary education and services to our students and community for many years to come.

For more information, please visit or
Graig Bansek
Columbia Local Schools